APPLIED PETROPHYSICS (Introductory and Advanced Courses)
Petrophysics training courses are co-ordinated and run by Andy Mills, (Virtual Petrophysics Global Training Professional) and are designed to be laptop based with worked exercises at the end of each lecture ensuring that course material is consolidated by students so that they are able to perform active petrophysical interpretations by course completion. Worked examples on currently available modules comprise about 50% of course time, dependent on modules selected. The status of all modules (currently available, under development or planned) can be found here.
Courses are currently designed to be delivered in a classroom environment by one or two instructors, but are currently being transitioned to audio voice over powerpoint format to enable remote learning when desired or necessary.
It is recommended that participants undertake an Introductory level course initially, prior to progressing to more advanced modules. A typical Introductory Course is described here.
Approximately 6 days would be required to cover all available Applied Petrophysics modules; clients can choose to customize a course or courses to fit their time or technical content needs. (For example, a good working knowledge of Petrophysical evaluation can still be gained in five days or less by dropping some of the more specialized or advanced modules such as 6. Sedimentary Environments, 10. Spontaneous Potential, 14. NMR, 15. Summary of Porosity Methods, 22. Permeability Estimation, 23. Capillary Pressure, 26. LWD). A brief outline of the content of currently available modules is described here.
Further, Applied Petrophysics Advanced modules are planned or currently under development for the petrophysicist, geoscientist or reservoir engineer who requires training on specialised petrophysics subject matter. A brief outline of content of these future modules is described here.
Clients having an interest in particular modules, should contact Virtual Petrophysics regarding timing of development.